Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finn's turn!


Why do you only make things for Meg, Mummy?
Well, up until now this has been the case but, to be fair, my dressmaking has only been going on for so long. I rustled up a couple of frocks for Meg for our hectic summer socializing, but a boy's shirt felt a little out of my league. But then I had a good idea.

I acquired, a little while ago, a bolt (yes, a whole bolt) of the most beautiful wind proof fleece you've ever seen. It looks warm and cozy and is just waiting for you to snuggle up under it. But blankets I thought, are easy, let's make things a little tricky. I know, I'll make it into a fleece jacket - for Finn! Yeah! I bought a pattern, laid out the pieces.........and spotted the problem. The fleece is, by its very nature, thick. And if you have to join two pieces together, it's twice as thick. And this pattern has pockets! I wasn't sure if me and my little machine were up to the task, but with a few minor detours from the instructions and a false start with a zip, I did it!

And then I did it again! I did mention that I have industrial quantities of this fabric?  Well, I thought that if my little boy likes his so much then another little boy that we know might like one too.
I'm giving it to him tomorrow as a surprise. I'll let you know what he says.

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