Monday, October 18, 2010

Master Tate - an update

Finn has started at his new Montessori pre-school. Miss Kathy is his teacher and so far he doesn't know any of the other kids' names. It doesn't bother him at all, not knowing. He obviously feels quite at home. Montessori is quite different from what he is used to. After his first day he came home and said, "Mummy, we didn't do any painting," and the next day, " Mummy, we don't have to go to bed!". The extremes of childish emotions.

Finn has started his swimming lessons at the Y. Miss. Sharon was delighted with him, once she had told me off for introducing her to Finn as Sharon. Ooops. (I didn't like to tell her she's lucky I didn't call her 'Mate' after our 6 years in Aus!).

He is also having a bash at gymnastics. He's not very gung ho about the whole idea really, so we don't know how long it will last. It was all going very well until the occurrence of what is now known as the 'forward roll incident'. Coach Sheree assumed that Finn must have done a forward roll before and was a little enthusiastic in her 'push' down the slope. Finn stayed straight instead of  rolling and thumped down on the mat on his back. When asked if he would like to have another go, "No" was the only answer forthcoming and he hasn't gone back to it since. We were quietly taken to one side last week and told in no uncertain terms that, should Finn wish to continue gymnastics, he will have to do a roll eventually. Yes, Coach! These Americans could really do with a dose of Australian every now and again.

Jodi has enrolled Finn in the ice-hockey program. Oh yes, they like to catch them young here! Initially it is a Learn-To-Skate type affair but they learn to skate in full ice hockey regalia. It hasn't started yet but word on the street is that, and get this for an American name:


 is a really, really nice man. In fact, Bonnie (from swimming), says he coached her boys, now 24 and 22, so one would imagine if he didn't know what he was doing, someone would have had a quiet word by now! Zachary's mum, (from Gymnastics), told me Zachary did the training last year and loved it. Only difference being, he comes from a long line of hockey players, whereas Finn isn't really quite sure about what ice actually is, never mind the hockey part. He has tried on his kit and understands the skates are "quite wobbly", the rest is going to be a fairly steep learning curve come November.

(And, hot off the press, we received our first tentative play-date invitation today! We have arrived.)


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