Meg wanted a dress like her in Tangled. "Like Rapunzel's you mean?"
"Yes, like Rapunzel's"
"Shall Mummy make you a Rapunzel dress?" I asked a little hastily.
"And will you wear it if Mummy makes you a Rapunzel dress?"
OK then. Promise believed, I set out to find out how to make a Rapunzel dress. Now, I have come accross crafting blogs before and love the fact that there are people out there who sell their handicrafts online or indeed their cleverley designed paper patterns (this purple and green dress I made for Meg in the summer was from one such blog) but I was particularly overjoyed to find a clever lady here who shows how to cut your own pattern using just a t-shirt for reference! Cool!
So I did. I tried my best. I struggled with the ridiculous fabric they call costume satin, and a daughter who refuses to try on my creations until they are finished, then with a bodice that was too long at the waist and too short accross the back.....but eventually....success. You may notice that the pattern on the website doesn't have the princess kick pleat in the front; that, I am proud to say is all mine.
Anyway, dressing up costume finished. My end of the bargain upheld. Has Meg acually worn the dress? Well, I have photographic proof of the two occasions on which she deigned to put it on right here. She wore it for about as long as it takes to get a decent picture, then took it off.
I don't think that really counts do you?
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