For two years, at about this time, we have been answering the question, 'Have you been apple picking?, with bemused expressions and a "No, should we have?" Because apparently, yes we should! It's Fall, it's Central New York and it's apple picking time!
So this year, with looks of grim determination, we loaded Nana and Pops into the car and headed to a local orchard. We followed the crowds, we followed the signs and some of us did exactly as we were told:
It turns out, that's not what they meant at all! It's the apples you are invited to pick!
We stood in line to ride the tractor out to the picking sites. As we disembarked we were given the low down on apple picking - twist and lift, don't pull, don't climb the trees and help yourself to the myriad of ladders left about the place. Hmmmm. We headed off to the Gourmet Eater section and realised we would have to imporovise.
However, it wasn't long before one of the handfull of ladders was offered to us and we sent the children up to the top, Dickens style, with orders not to come down until the tree was bare. Everyone had a go - age being no exception!
Then it was back to the tractor rendez-vous point and to the weigh in. The children were put to good use carrying apples in every available receptacle, and we marvelled at the acres and acres yet to be picked.I have never spent as much on apples, neither have I had this many in my house at one time, but it was a beautiful day and jolly good fun. We tasted as we walked and promised to make the Cookers into sauce and pies before they start going bad. We'll see!
I have a strange feeling that we may have left someone behind........
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