Monday, June 11, 2012

Too clever by half

On one very domesticated morning a little while ago, I was busy with my home-making duties when a very excited Finn rushed into the kitchen. "Mummy, come and look what I found!"
I dragged myself away and followed him, expecting a basement bug (no, don't know what that is but he assures me they exist) or something revolting festering in a corner somewhere (anything is possible in this house.) I was a little surprised when he led me straight to the computer.
"Look! A Toy Story cartoon!"
Immediately suspicious, I leaned in closer, "Where did did you....who........WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is" I failed again to organise my mouth into anything coherent. I stopped and drew breath. "How did you find this?" i tried, calmly.
"I opened up Google and searched for Toy Story stuff."
"But you are only 5 - you can't spell!"
"I know, but I had a good idea. I got the DVD case and copied the letters into the box and pressed Enter. Clever, huh!"
"Um, yes.... But .....the parental controls....I thought......"
"I didn't use my Log In. I can't open Google on my Log In.'
"So how did you......?"
"I used yours."
Of course.
"But Mum, it's just a Toy Story video."
"This time it is, yes."
And feeling thoroughly useless as a modern day parent, I vowed to be more careful and always close my Log In. Finn has yet to crack the password entry system to that at least. I can't quite help the feeling tho that it's only a matter of time..........

1 comment:

  1. And the rest of his computer skills will follow shortly - kids are extremely digitally literate these days :)
