It's that time of year again. The beautiful one. Or the beautifuller one, depending on your point of view. The leaves are changing, there are pumpkins everywhere and the thermostat is dipping and rising fit to give any Mother a headache trying to decide what the little ones should be wearing.
Finn is playing Soccer this Fall. (Not to be confused with football, please.) He has taken to it like a kid who has never so much as caught a glimpse of the game before, and is clambering up yet another impossibly steep learning curve with aplomb. Bless him. He hasn't as yet complained about being cold at practice, despite his Mother turning him out in shorts every week, rain or not, and has been given his first proper talking to by the coach for pushing another player. She wasn't on the ball but she was on the other team (and yes, she was a she!).
He is back at pre-school for five afternoons a week this year and, after being disappointed that many of his friends have moved up to kinder garden, is busy making new ones. He is having a go at learning to read. I'll let you know who tires of that game first!

Meg is walking and (having a go at) talking. She is starting to replace some of her signs with words and noises but still finds that smiling at people is generally enough. She's very cute and still quite tiny, so smiling in her special girly way works wonders with most. Failing that, shouting or pinching her brother gets the message across.
As lovely as these things are, they are a reflection of the passage of time, which can mean only one thing.
Winter is coming. Be very afraid.
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