Saturday, February 19, 2011

In a cabin in a wood.....some more

The cabin in the wood


The ski jumps


Double gulp!

The bobsled track from the top of the ski jump tower

On the speed skating oval

Getting a taste for lycra!


Friday, February 18, 2011

In a cabin in a wood.....

Our trip to Lake Placid was fabulous - not as cold as everyone predicted and no overgrown crocodiles picking off tourist at random, somewhat disappointingly. We visited some of the more impressive Olympic facilities (if you haven't been up to the top of a ski jump tower, put it on your bucket list) and even sampled a couple of them. Finn and Jodi skated on the outdoor Olympic speed skating track, in nigh on blizzard conditions, and Jodi and I did a bit of 'sliding' as it is known on the circuit. The first clip is of Jodi on his 'skeleton' luge - listen carefully to the announcer. Jodi asked them to call out Finn's Dad instead of his name to delight a certain small boy watching up in the lounge, but the silly deaf old biddy called out Sinbad instead! Luckily Mummy had the foresight to keep filming, mainly because Jodi was virtually the last to slide and we picked out his red coat as he was preparing to lie down on his glorified skateboard. The bobsled pictured may or may not have me in it but as you can hear, a large contingent of French people had showed up by then and Jodi was hard pushed to hear himself think let alone decipher the announcer's mumblings!  Click on the link below.

There are of course many pictures, so keep watching this space.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A strange case of deja vu.

Another Tate prepares to beat the Americans at their own game........... and this time, he has a very long stick.


Could this be the future?

Friday, February 4, 2011

One of the twins puts out.....

Proudly announcing the flowering of :

8714 Dtps. Achy Breaky heart 'Mendenhall' x Dtps. City Girl 'Madonna' 

Apologies for the amateurish photography, seems these wildlife types know a fair bit about what they are doing or at least have cameras that do.

Neither of these are true about me.